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The West Baden Springs Hotel, nestled in a small town in southern Indiana, was a popular destination for the wealthy, famous, and infamous at the beginning of the 20th century.  When the stock market collapsed in 1929, so did the extravagant lifestyles of the hotel's guests, and the West Baden Springs Hotel closed its doors three years later.  The property changed hands and purposes over the next fifty years until it was finally abandoned in 1985.  When a complete structural collapse seemed likely, the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana acquired the property and the commitment of local philanthropists Bill and Gayle Cook.  Together, they began the 10 year process of faithful restoration until the hotel reopened in 2007, in all its original splendor.  From icon to eyesore and back to icon, the journey of this hotel is a story that is worth telling.  The three publications below featured articles on the restoration.  

Click on the magazine cover to read the article.


Silver Creek Engineering has been a part of the ongoing historic renovation of

Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church in Indianapolis, IN.

  Click on the title below to learn more.

Hours of Operation:


Monday - Thursday 

7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


7:00 AM - 11:00 AM

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7225 Woodland Drive, #200 

Indianapolis, IN 46278  

Phone:  317-297-5610

Fax:  317-297-2942


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