Religious Facilities
From basements to bell towers, we provide structural and site design services for new churches as well as additions and modifications to existing structures. Although churches may have some design elements in common, we understand that building a church, whether it is a long-awaited new building, or an addition or modification to an existing one, is a labor of love for the faith community, and we consider it a privilege to contribute to the success of these projects.

Additional Religious Facilities
Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zionsville, IN
Central Christian Church, Carmel, IN
Christ Church – The Lutheran Church of Zionsville, IN
East 91st Street Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Emmanuel Apostolic Church, Martinsville, IN
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Greenwood, IN
Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church, Westfield, IN
Garfield Heights Church of Christ, Indianapolis, IN
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Indianapolis, IN
IN Assemblies of God Korean Church, Indianapolis, IN
Joy of All Who Sorrow Church, Indianapolis, IN
North Salem Christian Church, North Salem, IN
Northminster Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Avon, IN
Quail Springs Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Speedway Christian Church, Speedway, IN
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Carmel, IN
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Muncie, IN
St. Francis In-The-Fields Church, Zionsville, IN
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN
Zionsville United Methodist Church, Zionsville, IN